2019-11-29 - Kevin Krewell

Supercomputer 2019 Exhibits the Race to Exascale

Lacking new top systems, the focus shifted to the next big systems for exascale computing. Intel, Nvidia, Arm, Cerebras and…

2019-11-22 - Brian Santo

Nvidia Fulfils Promise to Support Arm

The GPU specialist introduced a reference design platform for GPU-accelerated Arm-based servers. Arm, Ampere, Cray, Fujitsu, HPE, and Marvell all…

2019-10-31 - M. Di Paolo Emilio

Google Are Making Quantum Computing a Reality

A new Google computing experiment published in Nature has ushered in a new era of computing.

2019-08-14 - Rick Merritt

Cray Secures Another Exascale Deal

Cray won a $600 million deal to build the El Capitan exascale system, sweeping all three next-gen supercomputers for U.S.…

2019-07-10 - Rick Merritt

Intel Shows First Glimpse of Packaging Technologies on Roadmap

Intel's exascale supercomputer project may be the first to use one of three chip-stacking techniques Intel disclosed on its roadmap.

2019-03-20 - Rick Merritt

U.S. Enters Exascale Race

Race to build the worlds first exascale systems heats up as U.S. Department of Energy awards Intel and Cray a…

2019-02-26 - George Leopold

Supercomputers to Simulate Battlefield Conditions

Weapon complexity and the attendant costs along with a shortage of weapon test ranges are forcing military planners to rely…

2018-11-27 - Sufia Tippu

Atos Wins Deal to Make Supercomputers in India

$650 million of NSM's dollars buying plenty of processing power

2018-08-27 - Sufia Tippu

India’s $700 million Supercomputer to be Unveiled by Year End

December targeted by government and National Supercomputing Mission