2019-03-06 - Junko Yoshida

Improving Safety Standards for AV

There are many examples of vehicles with “perfect software and hardware compliant with ISO 26262” failing due to performance limitations…

2019-03-04 - Nitin Dahad

Vodafone Formalises IoT Deals

Arm and Vodafone used Mobile World Congress to formalize a strategic partnership which combines iSIM, internet of things (IoT) software…

2019-01-23 - Junko Yoshida

Qualcomm Outlines Autonomous Roadmap

Qualcomm came to the Consumer Electronics Show with one clear message: The cellular phone chip giant is ready to rumble…

2019-01-18 - Junko Yoshida

Automotive Changed Qualcomm’s DNA

Nakul Duggal, Qualcomm senior vice president, sat down with EE Times at CES to discuss Qualcomm's automotive business.

2019-01-16 - Nitin Dahad

Vehicle Perception Engine Makes Autonomous Driving Safer

The software-based autonomous vehicle perception engine upscales raw data from camera, lidar and radar sensors to provide a more accurate…

2019-01-15 - David Benjamin

High Tech Carnival at CES

At the Consumer Electronics Show, I know that I should be dazzled, disarmed, and starry-eyed about my seamless, end-to-end, infinitely…

2019-01-10 - David Benjamin

Toyota Bets on ‘Guardian’ Autonomy

Toyota Research Institute (TRI) announced at the CES that it's "autonomous chauffeur system," Guardian, will be made available in the…

2018-04-24 - Nitin Dahad, EE Times

EU Car Makers To Use Alibaba Voice Recognition

Alibaba Voice Assistant to be utilized by several European car makers, according to announcements ahead of Beijing Motor Show

2017-09-12 - Junko Yoshida

Robo-car Early-Birds Flock Together

Those who came to a small automated vehicle event ranged from a former Microsoft executive to a simulation expert and…