Super computer offers 1.5 PetaFLOPS/m3 performance

Article By : Vicor

The ZettaScaler-1.8 utilises Vicor converters to provide 48V to high density, high efficiency direct-to-PoL current multipliers.

ExaScaler and PEZY Computing have unveiled what they say is the first super computer with a performance density of 1.5 PetaFLOPS/m³ (Rpeak).

The ZettaScaler-1.8 is an advanced prototype of the ZettaScaler-2.0 due to be released in 2017 with a performance density three times higher than the ZettaScaler-1.8. The ZettaScaler-1.8 is cooled by ExaScaler immersion liquid cooling technology and powered by Vicor 380V to 48V and 48V to 1V modules.

Powered from 380V DC, ExaScaler’s ZettaScaler-1.8 utilises Vicor converters to provide 48V to high density, high efficiency direct-to-PoL current multipliers feeding PEZY Computing’s low voltage, high current processors.

Vicor’s 48V Direct-to-PoL product family is comprised of non-isolated buck-boost pre-regulator modules (PRMs) and voltage transformation modules (VTMs). When configured in a factorised power architecture, a PRM receives its input from a 48V distributed bus and delivers a controlled, “factorised” voltage to the input of a VTM, according to the company. The output voltage of the VTM is the factorised voltage multiplied by a fixed conversion ratio (K) and the output current of the VTM is 1/K times the VTM input current.

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