Drones use AI to fight poaching in Africa

Article By : Neurala

AI software company Neurala is collaborating with the Lindbergh Foundation to stop the poaching of rhinos and elephants in South Africa.

AI software company Neural Inc. is working with the Lindbergh Foundation to build intelligent drones to help in the effort to stop poaching in Africa.

Neurala software will be used as a part of the Lindbergh Foundation’s Air Shepherd Program, which is dedicated to the elimination of illegal poaching of elephants and rhinos in southern Africa using cutting-edge software-based predictive analysis and drones to stop poachers before they can reach target animals.

Neurala’s technology can learn from any sensory stream to identify an object of interest. The company will be assisting the foundation's analysts by sifting through terabytes of video, including infrared, in real time as the drone is flying, pinpointing animals, vehicles and poachers, both during the day and at night.

“This is a terrific example of how AI technology can be a vital force for good,” said Neurala CEO Max Versace. “We’re thrilled to be working with the Lindbergh Foundation in this unique partnership, contributing our deep learning software to such a worthwhile cause and doing our part to preserve endangered species,” he added.

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