2023-04-17 -

最新測試:11 字元純數字密碼 AI 瞬間破解,擁抱無密碼功能才是王道

每隔一陣子總會爆出密碼被駭災情,每次災情後就伴隨許多要求密碼頻繁更新並使用強固性密碼的呼籲,但最終總會在人性面前敗陣下來。多數使用者雖然不願意被駭,但要頻繁更新永遠記不住的強固密碼,也是不可能的任務。 某網路安全公司最近測試發現,AI 能不到 1 分就破解大部分常用密碼。隨著 AI 技術不斷突破,未來即使再強固的密碼都有可能瞬間破解,到時傳統密碼登錄模式可能因毫無作用遭廢用。其實蘋果、Google 及微軟早在去年中就合作開發無密碼機制,可說兩家都洞悉人性並預見 AI 會有驚人進展吧。 AI 破解千萬餘密碼,51% 不到 1 分鐘就破解 網路安全公司 Home Security Heroes 最近展開…

2020-01-13 -

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2020-01-03 - Nitin Dahad

Imagination Reignites Relationship with Apple

Apple returns to Imagination Technologies for GPUs with a fresh multi-year license agreement.

2019-12-05 - Nitin Dahad

Imagination Unveils ‘GPU of Everything’ Family

Imagination Technologies launches its most significant new GPU family for 15 years, the IMG A-series.

2019-07-26 - Colin Barnden

Blog: Annus Horribilis for Robotaxis

Cruise signals a delay, but nothing is going to make self-driving practical any time soon. Auto makers need to face…

2018-05-23 - Jonas Klar, EE Times Asia

NI Hones Software Suite at NI Week 2018

Launches LabView 2018 as well as Flexlogger, InstrumentStudio and ELVIS III

2018-03-02 - Keysight

Keysight Launches Wave 2018 with Contests

Quiz and video contests with a combined prize pool of over $44,000 USD

2018-01-31 - Keysight

Keysight Unveils Design/Test Platform Integrating Simulation, Design, Test Workflows

The new PathWave software platform accelerates innovation and product development, according to Keysight.

2017-12-20 - Alan Patterson, EE Times

MediaTek, ITRI Claim Firsts in 5G Technology

MediaTek and Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute have developed a range of technologies that include what they say is the…

2017-11-09 - Junko Yoshida, EE Times

Waymo, Navya Vie In Robo-Taxi

The "robo-taxi" changed virtually overnight from a "what-if" scenario dreamt by automotive visionaries to the public pledge of an imminent…