2020-02-26 - M. Di Paolo Emilio

Challenges in Medical Electronics

Electromedical devices for diagnosis and the treatment of numerous diseases must meet particularly strict quality, reliability, and safety requirements.

2020-02-03 - M. Di Paolo Emilio

Ethernet Gives Space Applications Higher Data Rates

Microchip has developed a space-qualified Ethernet communication solution based on a Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) for space applications.

2019-10-22 - Nitin Dahad

Renesas RA Family MCUs Target Secure IoT

The new RA family MCUs address demand for advanced security scalable IoT endpoints with a flexible software platform.

2019-04-23 - Partha

India’s Microcontroller Trends

India’s semiconductor market share is hardly representative of its size, both in terms of geography and in its tag as…

2017-10-27 - Junko Yoshida, EE Times

NXP to Bridge MCU & AP with ‘Crossovers’

To use an MCU or not (and to opt for an apps processor instead)? This is an eternal question for…

2017-09-19 - Rick Merritt

Cellular Puts IoT on Speed Dial

Carriers laid out their plans for cellular IoT variants LTE-M and NB-IoT at last week’s Mobile World Congress Americas, putting…

2017-09-13 - Rick Merritt

MCUs Get Expanded Benchmark

EEMBC expanded its benchmark suite for microcontrollers to include peripheral tests.