2016-06-21 - Junko Yoshida

Is driverless car on same route as 3D TV? – Part 2

As for real hurdles waiting for self-driving cars, EE Times chief international correspondent Junko Yoshida has come across several astute…

2016-06-16 - Pablo Valerio

Race is on to bring a 100% electric, driverless car

The industry is now embracing a new wave of technologies that will make driving a complete new experience in the…

2016-06-02 - Peter Clarke

Bifrost boosts graphics, bridges to machine learning

Bifrost includes maths capabilities that could be used by other software as part of a heterogeneous system architecture, possibly including…

2016-05-20 - Rick Merritt

TensorFlow algorithms power Google’s AI processors

Google has developed and is running in its data centres a custom accelerator for artificial intelligence it calls a tensor…